Thursday, September 30, 2010

Peanut Butter

I was thinking this morning about how much I enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  When I was just a kid, my mom bought Peter Pan Peanut Butter exclusively.  Cause that's what we liked.  Today, I still love Peter Pan.  But, to be honest, I think I like Jif just a little bit better.  I think that Jif has larger pieces of roasted peanut (cause it's all about the crunch).  And, I think the roasted flavor is just a little bit more intense.  You know.  I wasn't bored today.  I've been super busy.  I just needed to take a minute.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The fall weather calls for a Great Screened Porch

Start Here - No Porch  
Do a little design work...
Do some real construction work...
And, Voila...  The perfect porch for a lowcountry fall.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bat Entry Point

Bat Entry Point
This photo illustrates how small of an opening a bat needs to gain entry into a home.  This roof ledge is about 12" wide.  The hole where the bat is entering is about an inch, maybe less.  Unfortunately, it's never just one bat.  A good sized colony can be thousands and thousands living in your attic without your even being aware that they are there.  Of course the guano can pile up in the attic over the years, so there's that to deal with too.  If you think you might have a bat problem let us know right away.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Creating an accessible attic

A wonderful client recently introduced us to the Rainbow 'Galaxy' telescoping stair system.  This stair has motors which lower and extend and retract the stairs at the push of a button.  Take a look...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Small problems turn into bigger problems

Home Inspections are a CRUCIAL part of buying a home. We are currently working with a client who bought his first home a few years ago. One of the Real Estate agents involved suggested a home inspector, and not knowing any better our client trusted this home inspector to find anything of concern.
Exterior of Bathroom
Existing Shower - Notice the sag of the shower floor?

Fast forward a few years and the homeowner starts noticing a sag in the shower floor. Something is going on right? We go out to look at things. Right off we think the shower pan is leaking, causing rot right beneath the shower. We start to demo the shower floor...and it keeps going, and going.

Whirlpool Tub and Shower - Gone

Wood rot at exterior wall

Wood rot at exterior wall from interior
 The entire bathroom ended up being demoed.  After we found so much damaged we brought in a good Home Inspector and had him look through the rest of the house to see if anything else was missed.  Turns out we are going to have to do the same thing in the living room where there is more wood rot.

Unexpected Renovations/Repairs are never any fun for anyone.  When buying a home, or even if you've been living in your home for many years it may be a good idea to hire a good, thorough, trusted home inspector to go through the house and warn you of any potential problems.  And anytime you notice something wrong, or a little 'off' in your house have it looked at right away.  It's more cost efficient to fix a small problem in the beginning rather than ignore it and end up having to do major repairs!

We will keep you updated as this project progresses.